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at Emotion Brands

Our structure is unlike other agencies in that we are all business owners in our own specialism and collaborate to offer a full brand growth journey. We understand the grit and determination that it takes to run a business, along with the stresses of budget and time constraints – so we are best placed to help your business grow.


Despite coming from different walks of life, the team at Emotion Brands share the same vision for brand story-telling and building emotional connections. From Design, to Social Media, Digital Marketing and Photography – we all approach our craft from an emotive story-telling perspective.


When we resonate with a brand, we connect and it becomes part of our daily lives. By nurturing this relationship on a human level the brand stays front of mind for future purchases and recommendations, which increases brand growth.


The study and understanding of consumer psychology and behaviour helps us to be better designers and marketers, and is what sets us apart from other Branding & Marketing Studios in Poole and Bournemouth.


We would't be brand designers without knowing our own values, which are rooted in 4 principles:

  • Empathy – for our clients and their customers

  • Humility – quietly confident and grateful

  • Sustainability – eco-conscious print and marketing ideas

  • Educate – we never stop learning


The team consists of Graphic Designers, Illustrators, Social Media Creators, Web Designers and Digital Marketers. We work remotely with businesses around the UK and also further afield in the US.



Gemma has been in the design industry for 20 years and has worked on some incredible projects during her career. From marketing design for Wella Professionals and L'Oreal – to licensed product and packaging for Disney and other well known brands. 


Gemma has a passion for consumer psychology and emotive design, learning what makes people buy and creating brand designs to influence this. She started her freelance career 10 years ago and has evolved and grown the business to where it is today.



Vicky is not only creative, but a complete guru when it comes to social media marketing. She has many years experience of successfully selling products on Instagram and was responsible for a team that grew sales for a well known beauty brand by over £6m. Her advice is pure gold and she’s helped our clients reach new customers online, increasing revenue and brand awareness. She’s also super organised, a pro project manager and loves a spreadsheet!


Watch the interview with Vicky: How to build a retail brand and sell products on instagram 



Chris is the technical genius of our team and knows all things related to the online world. He codes websites from scratch, is an SEO wizard and has managed many successful PPC campaigns for clients.



Our incredibly talented photographer, Alex, is a Hungarian national and moved to Bournemouth in 2015. She started her journey as a Doula, capturing magical and intimate births before growing into other areas of professional photography. Alex says "My gift is to see the beauty in the ordinary."


Speak to us about your brand growth goals today.

Gemma, Branding Specialist from Emotion Brands


Brand Specialist & Creative Director

Vicky, Social Media Specialist  from Emotion Brands


Social Media Partner

Chris, Digital Marketing  from Emotion Brands


Digital Marketing Partner

Alex, Photographer  from Emotion Brands


Photography Partner

Keep in touch on your Socials

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